Monday, May 7, 2007


Remember those old TV commercials where the guys all called each other and said that? I think (maybe?) it was a beer commercial. It's funny how some things become big in pop culture, and others are just forgotten. I finally, last night, saw the "More Cowbell" sketch from SNL that was so huge almost ten years ago. They did it in either '98 or '99. That seems like such a long time ago, and yet, I still see people with t-shirts that say "more cowbell." I don't understand how a certain demographic of people can be so strongly influenced by what they see on TV. Which, I suppose, is why I didn't go into advertising.

Now that that is out of my system, I got my Campath injection today. The good news is that I didn't get the chills. I did, however, still get a fever. Also, my white blood cell counts are low enough that I am, once again, considered neutropenic. So it's back to the no fresh fruits and vegetables and stay away from people lifestyle. And my doctor is pretty upset: Apparently, if you're neutropenic, you're not supposed to get the injection. My nurse knew my counts were low, but she went ahead with the shot anyway. I know the biggest risk for me right now is infection, but I'm not exactly sure why that would stop them from giving me Campath. When I go back on Wednesday though, if my counts are still too low, they're withholding the drug. And really, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. I have no problem foregoing all of these stupid reactions. At least today my rash didn't pop back up. Otherwise, that's about it. I sat around, got my shot, sat around some more, came home and slept all afternoon, and now I'm going to bed. I feel terribly lazy, but I'm going to blame that on the drugs. Because I can. Hopefully tomorrow will be another good day. Cookies to anyone who knows what day tomorrow is... Alright, Peace.


Anonymous said...

Is tomorrow your birthday?

Megan/Yuping said...

Which is interesting, but irrelevant. Six months is a long time.

I'm assuming you were napping when I called; I should have texted like I told the Metro we do. Dang. Give me a call sometime tomorrow when you're free--I'll be biking around Boston/Cambridge on my rusty-ass wheels. I gave myself the day off from everything.