Tuesday, March 27, 2007


This could quite possibly be one of my favorite pictures ever. It's too bad I panicked when he started flying and didn't quite get the whole body. Check out the eyes though. And the middle pigeon. I just see him saying, "coocoo, I'm fat and pompous, coocoo, pigeons don't fly fool, coocoo." Or something similar at least. To see this and more photos from downtown Chicago, check out the whole album at http://picasaweb.google.com/Justmec2131. Ah, shameless advertising. Nothing better.
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Anonymous said...

what, pigeons don't fly?

hey caroline! when i heard megan was going to visit you, i wanted her to bring you a little something from me, but it was too short notice. in any case, i miss you terribly! i hope you're doing well and getting better, and hopefully i'll be able to see you soon. i miss our witty banter.

J-Glass said...

sweet pic caroline. Reminds me of that day when we got wendys then kevin chased a pidgeon for a dollar.

Anonymous said...

caroline...scaring the pidgeons is not very nice...

Caroline said...

PIGEON. thank you.