Monday, February 19, 2007


Say it aloud. Twice. Now, tell me that's not a funny word. Not to mention delicious. Mmmm, pork tenderloin for dinner. Oh, and the best part is that I cooked most of it, with help and constant advice from my mother. In other news, I feel much better today. Thanks to modern medicine! My anti-nausea pills were totally effective in preventing nausea from controlling my day. All it took was one little brown pill, yes brown, and my stomach was calmed; and I could even eat without feeling ill! How does it work, you ask? Well, this particular pill is of the 5-HT3 class of medications that essentially block the release of serotonin from the small intestine, a reaction that is triggered by some chemotherapy drugs. Apparently, serotonin helps initiate the vomiting reflex. So, by blocking this chemical, the stomach doesn't have the reaction that results in upchuck. This one is supposed to be taken before you get sick; it prevents nausea. I have two other types of pills that are for breakthrough nausea. They affect the brain and I guess more of the neurological side of vomiting. So that's fun. I haven't messed with the brain ones though; my mind is messed up enough already. I read somewhere that chemo affects your brain, and when you finally come off it, well basically, it takes your brain a while to get back to its former smart-glory. Fuzzy thoughts, hard to concentrate, that sort of thing. Good thing I don't have to worry about that until September. HAH.

But anyway, it's been a good day. My nurse took my blood this morning, and I received no frantic phone calls saying "You need Blood!!! Aaaaaah!" So that's good. Although, it'd be exciting if someone called me and said exactly that. It felt like spring outside today. Spring! I guess there are even robins making their way back to Chicago. So that's optimistic. Warmer, greener days are not that far away. Things to remember. Alright, that's it. Happy Tuesday, sad toad.


Anonymous said...

Caroline, YOU MUST GO OUTSIDE TODAY! It feels so good!

Megan/Yuping said...


Unknown said...

Porker, and porkin' (the verb.... ew, gross) are also some of my favourites (enjoy ma' canadianness) I'm amazed by modern medicine and pills. There's this one little green gel-cap that can treat cronic hives, enurisis (that is not the right spelling, but means bed-wetting) and mild psychosis...go figure...side effects include skin rash, loss of bladder control and depression.
Dude, definately don't ask.....

Justin Hook said...
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Caroline said...

Jess, are you kidding about that pill? Because the side-effects are the same as the things it treats... That's mildly hilarious. ew. porking.

Unknown said...

I know, but really no joke! That pill is amazing. The ad could be:"do you wish you had a weird and awkward medical problem? Well now, with the help of little green gel cap, you can experience irritating skin rashes, drowsiness, diahrea, constipation, depression, halucinations, weight gain and many more, all while losing control of your bladder!"
I would go ask my doctor ASAP, that shit is tight.